St. Mary's Catholic Church Outreach is for our parishioners and for those in our community who need help at one time or another. There are so many people in our Parish who need help now, some need to be visited or called. Some just need cards sent to them.
The Lord teaches us we need to help others and do good deeds. Outreach does not require a special talent, we just need caring people who want to help others. If you can’t visit the shut-ins and the sick, you could send cards to them.
St. Mary’s Outreach has two phases:
Outreach Phase I: Phase I consists of 4 teams, a team for each week of the month. Each team will do visitations for their week.
Outreach members will send words of encouragement, “thinking of you”, Easter, Christmas or Birthday cards to those listed on the Outreach report.
Outreach provides transportation to doctor's appointments. Call Sue Machenberg, 549-7719.
Each month, the four teams are posted on the bulletin board in the Church office and also on the bulletin board in the Church hall. All parishioners can read the updated Outreach report for that month and who will be visited.
Outreach Phase II gives limited financial assistance to those in need of food, or having a tough time paying their utility, medical prescription, or rent bills, etc. This is given either in the form of food vouchers or payment directly to the billing company, but only once every two months to the same person. Fr Ray Mullan is in charge of this.
Pledge cards for Outreach. You can place your donation in the floral Outreach box on the table in the church foyer. On this card, you can also make a donation to donate flowers for the altar in honor or memory of a family member, relative or friend.
If you think you may be interested in helping St. Mary’s Outreach with a donation or joining the Outreach team to visit the elderly and shut-ins, please talk to Father Ray Mullan or Sandy Shifflett, the Church Secretary.
God Bless You,