Couples planning to get married must see the priest between six to twelve months before the wedding date to allow sufficient time for the required preparation. Some couples may feel that six months is an unreasonably long time for preparation. Consider however, the amount of time that goes into preparing for the wedding — invitation lists, a venue for the reception, catering, dress makers, flowers, music, photographers etc., etc., all of which are arranged over a period of several months. The wedding party is carefully chosen too, each person being carefully instructed in their role. A full review is made ahead of time to make absolutely certain everything goes smoothly and according to plan, and finally there is a full rehearsal of the wedding ceremony the day before.
The cost of all this, including the reception, can run into several thousand of dollars — all for the wedding which lasts a few hours!
How much more time and preparation should we not put in for the marriage itself, which is to last a life time? Diocesan regulations require a six month period of preparation for marriage. This is the general practice throughout the entire United States , and in some places an even longer period is required.
Las parejas que planean casarse deben contactar al sacerdote de seis a doce meses antes de la boda para permitir suficiente tiempo para la preparacion requerida. Algunas parejas pueden sentir que seis meses es un tiempo exajerado para preparacion. Sinembargo considere, la recepcion, las flores, la musica, el fotografo ect. todo esto se prepara en un peridodo de varios meses. Los acompañantes de los novios se escoje con tiempo y les instruye en su rol. Todo un repaso se hace con tiempo para asegurarse que todo salga bien y aun asi hay una practica el dia anterior a la ceremonia.
El costo de todo esto, incluyendo la recepcion, puede costar varios miles de dolares -- todo para que la boda dura unas cuantas horas.!
Canto mas tiempo y preparacion debemos invertir en el matrimonio en si, que debe durar toda la vida? Los reglamentos de la Diocesis reqieren un periodo de minimo seis meses como preparacion. Essto es practica general en todo Estados Unidos, y en algunos lugares es mas largo el tiempo requerido.